Naval Hospital

naval-hospital-2-rfpThe only thing that might be more gratifying than working on a medical facility, where life and limb are at stake, is working on a Naval medical facility, where our public servants come for support and care, while they serve our country.

In conjunction with JKT, general contractor and Blue Mountain Electric, electrical contractor, Team Abossein proudly offered engineering and quality control for the renovation and replacement of the electrical and fire alarm systems at the Naval Hospital at the Naval Air Station, Whidbey Island, Oak Harbor, WA this spring.

This 80,000 square foot facility is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so it was important to provide these services, and the testing involved without interruption of hospital services. Extra attention was also given to maintain clean spaces, and not to in any way contaminate sites, or disturb infection control care. The project came together cleanly, efficiently, with satisfaction for all parties concerned. An effort that everyone involved is proud of.