Washington State Energy Code will be effective July 1st, 2010

The new Washington State Energy Code will be effective July 1st, 2010, and has significant changes you might want to be aware of. Here is a short list of some of the highlights:

General –

  1. The default tables have changed in regards to metal framed buildings.
  2. Default tables regarding glazing U-factors have changed.
  3. Expanded tables have been added to the default values.


Residential Code –

  1. Table 6-1 and 6-2 now applies only to single residences and not Multi-Family projects.
  2. Table 9-1, there is a new section in the code with energy credits.


Non-Residential Code –

  1. A new chapter 12 has been added regarding metering requirements.
  2. All new Climate Zone Tables have been created for both zones and this applies to residential and non-residential code.
  3. There are major changes in building commissioning compliance – including a checklist.
  4. There are major changes regarding economizer compliance.
  5. Chapter 14 equipment efficiency requirements have changed fairly significantly.
  6. Chapter 15 Lighting Power Density requirement have changed fairly significantly. Exterior lighting requirements have change significantly (this whole section has been mostly revised).
  7. Very major changes have been made in the building energy modeling for building base lines.